The First Epistle of Peter


Title. Add "the Apostle" after "Peter". B E

Title. Omit "General" after "Epistle". G

Title. Read "The Epistle of Peter 1" instead of "The First Epistle General of Peter". Tr

Title. Read "Of Peter 1" instead of "The First Epistle General of Peter". L T A W WH N NA HF

1:3. Read "hath begotten you" instead of "hath begotten us". E

1:4. Read "for us" instead of "for you". S E

1:7. Add "unto" before "glory". HF

1:7. Transpose "honour and glory" to "glory and honour". L T Tr A W WH N NA

1:9. Omit "your" before "faith". WH NAm

1:12. Read "but unto you" instead of "but unto us". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

1:16. Read "Ye shall be holy" instead of "Be ye holy". L T Tr A W WH N NA

1:16. Omit "am" after "I". L T Tr A W WH N NAm

1:20. Read "the end of the times" instead of "these last times". L T Tr A W WH N NA

1:21. Read "are believers" instead of "do believe". L T Tr A WH N NA

1:22. Omit "through the Spirit" after "obeying the truth". L T Tr A W WH N NA

1:22. Omit "pure" and render 'from the heart'. L T Tr A WH N NAm

1:23. Omit "for ever" after "abideth". G L T Tr A W WH N NA

1:24. Read "the glory thereof" instead of "the glory of man". G L T Tr A W WH N NA

1:24. Omit "thereof" after "and the flower". L T Tr Am W WH N NA

2:1. Read "hypocrisy" instead of "hypocrisies". WHt

2:2. Add "unto salvation" after "grow thereby". G L T Tr A W WH N NA

2:5. Add "for" before "an holy priesthood". L T Tr A WH N NA

2:6. Read "because" instead of "Wherefore also" at beginning of verse. G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

2:6. Omit "the" before "scripture". T Tr A WH N NA

2:6. Read "the scripture contains" instead of "it is contained in the scripture". L

2:7. Read "unto the unbelieving" instead of "unto them which be disobedient". T Tr WH N NA

2:12. Read "they behold" instead of "they have beheld" (KJV 'they shall behold'). L T Tr A W WH N NA

2:13. Add "therefore" before "Submit". S B E G W HF

2:20. Add "for" before "this [is] acceptable" and render 'but if, when ye do well, and suffer [for it], ye take it patiently, [it is glory], for this is acceptable'. L A

2:21. Omit "even" before "hereunto". S E G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

2:21. Read "suffered for you" instead of "suffered for us". B1565 E G L T Tr A WH N NA

2:21. Read "leaving you" instead of "leaving us". B1565 E G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

2:24. Read "your sins" instead of "our sins". WHm

3:1. Omit "also" after "they". WHt

3:1. Read "shall be won" instead of "may be won". L T Tr A WH N NA HF

3:4. Transpose "meek and quiet" to "quiet and meek". L WHt

3:7. Read "unto heirs together" instead of "being heirs together". T Tr A WHm NA

3:7. Read "ye in your prayers" instead of "your prayers". WHm

3:8. Read "humble minded" instead of "courteous". G L T Tr A W WH N NA

3:9. Omit "knowing" and render 'because ye are'. L T Tr A WH N NA

3:11. Add "and" at beginning of verse. L Tr A WH NA

3:13. Read "be zealous" instead of "be followers". L T Tr A W WH N NA

3:15. Read "Christ [as] Lord" instead of "the Lord God". L T Tr A W WH N NA

3:15. Omit "and" before "[be] ready always". L T Tr Am WH N NA

3:15. Add "but" before "with meekness". L T Tr A W WH N NA

3:16. Read "ye are spoken evil of" instead of "they speak evil of you". T A WH N NA

3:16. Omit "as of evildoers" after "they speak evil of you". T A WH N NA

3:18. Read "died for sins" instead of "suffered for sins". L T Tr WHt N

3:18. Read "bring you" instead of "bring us". WH NA HF

3:20. Omit "once" before "the longsuffering of God". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

3:21. Read "which in a like figure, [even] baptism, doth also now save" instead of "the like figure whereunto, [even] baptism, doth also now save". S G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

3:21. Read "save you" instead of "save us". L T Tr A WH N NA

4:1. Omit "for us" after "Christ hath suffered". L T Tr A WH N NA

4:1. Read "unto sins" instead of "from sin". WHt

4:3. Omit "of [our] life" after "the time past". L T Tr A W WH N NA

4:3. Omit "us" after "may suffice". L T Tr A WH N NA

4:3. Read "suffice you" instead of "suffice us". HF

4:3. Read "desire of the Gentiles" instead of "will of the Gentiles". L T Tr A W WH N NA

4:5. Read "readily judging" instead of "holding readily to judge" (KJV 'ready to judge'). WH

4:8. Omit "And" at beginning of verse. T Tr A WH N NA

4:8. Read "covereth" instead of "shall cover". L T Tr A W WH N NA

4:11. Read "as God giveth" instead of "which God giveth". HF

4:14. Add "and of power" after "of glory". L

4:14. Omit "on their part he is evil spoken of, but on your part he is glorified" at end of verse. L T Tr A WH N NA

4:16. Read "in this name" instead of "on this behalf". L T Tr A W WH N NA

4:17. Omit "the" before "time". T WHm NAm

4:18. Add "then" after "where". WHt

4:19. Omit "as" and render 'commit their souls in well doing unto a faithful Creator'. L T Tr A WH N NA

4:19. Omit "their" and render 'the souls'. WHt

5:1. Omit "which are" after "elders". L Tr A WH NA

5:1. Add "therefore" after "elders". L T Tr A WH N NA

5:2. Omit "taking the oversight [thereof]" before "not by constraint". T Am WH N NAm

5:2. Add "according to God" after "willingly". L T Tr NA

5:5. Omit upotassomenoi "be subject" before "one to another" and render 'all of you gird yourselves with humility toward (i.e. to serve) one another'. L T Tr A W WH N NA

5:8. Omit "because" before "your adversary". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

5:8. Omit "whom" after "seeking". WH NAm

5:8. Re-accent "whom" to "some one". L WHm NA

5:8. Read "to devour" instead of "he may devour". L T Tr A WH N NA

5:10. Read "called you" instead of "called us". B L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

5:10. Omit "Jesus" after "Christ". T Trm WH N NAm

5:10. Read "shall make [you] perfect" instead of "(may he) make you perfect". L T Tr A W WH N NA

5:10. Read "shall stablish" instead of "(may he) stablish". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

5:10. Read "shall strengthen" instead of "(may he) strengthen". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

5:10. Read "shall settle [you]" instead of "(may he) settle [you]". G T A W HF

5:10. Omit "(may he) settle" at end of verse. L Tr WH

5:11. Omit "glory and" before "dominion". L T Tr A WH N NA

5:11. Omit "and ever" after "for ever". WH NA

5:12. Read "grace of God: stand ye fast therein" instead of "grace of God wherein ye stand". L T Tr A WH N NA

5:14. Omit "Jesus" after "Christ". L T Tr A WH N NA

5:14. Omit "Amen" at end of verse. G L T Tr A WH N NA

Sub. Add "The first epistle general of Peter". S

Sub. Add "Of Peter 1". Tr A

The Second Epistle of Peter

Title. Add "the Apostle" after "Peter". B E

Title. Omit "General" after "Epistle". G

Title. Read "The Epistle of Peter 2" instead of "The Second Epistle General of Peter". Tr

Title. Read "Of Peter 2" instead of "The Second Epistle General of Peter". L T A W WH N NA HF

1:1. Read "Simeon Peter" instead of "Simon Peter". S B E G T Tr A W WHm NA HF

1:1. Read "righteousness of our God and Saviour Jesus" instead of "righteousness of God and our Saviour Jesus". S G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

1:1. Read "righteousness of our God and our Saviour Jesus" instead of "righteousness of God and our Saviour Jesus". B E

1:3. Read "by his own glory and virtue" instead of "through glory and virtue" (KJV wrongly 'to glory and virtue'). L T Tr A W WHm NA

1:4. Transpose "exceeding great and precious" to "precious and exceeding great". T WH N NA HF

1:5. Read "But ye also" instead of "Yet and for this very cause" (KJV 'And beside this'). L

1:10. Add "that by your good works" after "give diligence" and read "ye make" instead of "to make". L

1:12. Read "I will take care" instead of "I will not be negligent". L T Tr A W WH N NA

1:21. Add "the" after "will of man: but". S B E

1:21. Read "men from God spake" instead of "holy men of God spake". T A WH N NA

2:2. Read "lascivious ways" instead of "pernicious ways". C G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

2:3. Read "shall not slumber" instead of "slumbereth not". HF

2:4. Read "dens of darkness" instead of "chains of darkness". L T Tr A WH N

2:4. Add "to be punished" at end of verse. L

2:6. Omit "with an overthrow" after "condemned [them]". WH NAm

2:6. Read "an ensample of things to come unto the ungodly" instead of "an ensample unto those that after should live ungodly". WH NAt

2:8. Omit "that" before "righteous [man]" and render 'For he, [being] righteous, dwelling'. L WHt

2:9. Read "temptation" instead of "temptations". S B E G L Tr A W WH NA HF

2:11. Re-accent "against them" to "against themselves". none

2:11. Omit "before the Lord" after "against them". L Trm WHm

2:11. Read "from the Lord" instead of "before the Lord". NA

2:12. Read "brute beasts, born naturally to be taken" instead of "natural brute beasts, born to be taken" (KJV 'made to be taken'). L Tr A W WH NA

2:12. Add "also" before "shall utterly perish". L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

2:12. Read "shall perish" instead of "shall utterly perish". L T Tr A W WH N NA

2:13. Read "suffering injustice as the reward of unrighteousness" instead of "and shall receive the reward of unrighteousness". WH NA

2:13. Read "in their love feasts" instead of "with their own deceivings". L Tr WHm

2:14. Read "insatiable for sin" instead of "that cannot cease from sin". L WH

2:15. Read "are forsaking" instead of "have forsaken". T WHt N NA

2:15. Read "Beor" instead of "Bosor". WHt

2:15. Read "they loved" instead of "who loved". WHm

2:17. Read "and mists that are carried" instead of "clouds that are carried". G L T Tr A W WH N NA

2:17. Omit "for ever" after "reserved". L T Tr A WH N NA

2:18. Read "are escaping from" instead of "were escaped from". L T Tr A W WH N NA

2:18. Read "scarcely" instead of "indeed" (KJV 'clean'). C G L T Tr A W WH N NA

2:20. Add "our" and render 'our Lord'. L T WHm NAt

2:21. Read "to turn back" instead of "to turn". L T Tr A WH N NA

2:22. Omit "But" at beginning of verse. L T Tr A WH N NA

3:2. Read "commandment by your apostles" instead of "commandment of us the apostles". L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

3:3. Add "with scoffing" after "scoffers". G L T Tr A W WH N NA

3:5. Read "things put together by the word of God were the heavens of old and the earth" instead of "by the word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth put together" (KJV 'standing'). WHm

3:7. Read "by his word" instead of "by the same word". S G Tr A W HF

3:9. Read "longsuffering because of you" instead of "longsuffering to us-ward". L T

3:9. Read "longsuffering to you-ward" instead of "longsuffering to us-ward". Tr A WH NA

3:10. Omit "in the night" after "thief". G L T Tr A W WH N NA

3:10. Read "shall be discovered" instead of "shall be burned up". Tr WH NA

3:11. Read "[Seeing that] thus" instead of "[Seeing] then [that]". A WH NA

3:11. Omit "ye" and render 'ought [men]'. WHm NAm

3:13. Read "according to his promises" instead of "according to his promise". T

3:13. Read "we look for new heavens and a new earth and his promises" instead of "we, according to his promise, look for new heavens and a new earth". L

3:18. Omit "Amen" at end of verse. T Trm Am WH N NAm

Sub. Add "Of Peter 2". Tr A