2 God resteth the seuenth day, and sanctifieth it. 15 He setteth man in the garden. 22 He createth the woman. 24 Mariage is ordeined.

1. Thus the heauens and the earth were finished, and all the 1 host of them.

2. For in the seuenth day GOD ended his worke which he had made, 2 and the seuenth day he 3 rested from al his worke, which he had made.

3. So God blessed the seuenth day, and 4 sanctified it, because that in it he had rested from all his worke, which God had created and made.

4. ¶ These are the 5 generations of the heauens and of the earth, when they were created, in the day that the Lorde God made the earth and the heauens,

5. And euery 6 plant of the fielde, before it was in the earth, and euery herbe of the field, before it grewe: for the Lorde God had not caused it to 7 raine vpon the earth, neither was there a man to till the ground,

6. But a myst went vp from the earth, and watered all the earth.

7. ¶ The Lord God also 8 made the man 9 of the dust of the grounde, and breathed in his face breath of life, 10 and the man was a liuing soule.

8. And the Lord God planted a garden Eastward in 11 Eden, and there he put the man whom he had made.

9. (For out of the grounde made the Lorde God to growe euery tree pleasant to the sight, and good for meate: the 12 tree of life also in the middes of the garden, 13 and the tree of knowledge of good and of euill.

10. And out of Eden went a riuer to water the garden, and from thence it was deuided, and became into foure heads.

11. The name of one is 14 Pishon: the same compasseth the whole land 15 of Hauilah, where is golde.

12. And the golde of that land is good: thereis 16 Bdelium, and the Onix stone.

13. And the name of the seconde riuer is Gihon: the same compasseth the whole lande of 17 Cush.

14. The name also of the third riuer is 18 Hiddekel: this goeth toward the Eastside of 19 Asshur: and the fourth riuer is 20 Perath)

15. ¶ Then the Lord God tooke the man, and put him into the garden of Eden, that he might 21 dresse it and keepe it.

16. And the Lorde God 22 commaunded the man, saying, 23 Thou shalt eate freely of euery tree of the garden,

17. But of the tree of knowledge of good and euill, thou shalt not eate of it: for 24 in the day that thou eatest thereof, thou shalt die the 25 death.

18. Also the Lorde God saide, It is not good that the man should be himself alone: I wil make him an helpe 26 meete for him.

19. So the Lorde God formed of the earth euery beast of the fielde, and euery foule of the heauen, and brought them vnto the 27 man to see howe he would call them: for howsoeuer the man named the liuing creature, so was the name thereof.

20. The man therefore gaue names vnto all cattell, and to the foule of the heauen, and to euery beast of the fielde: but for Adam founde he not an helpe meete for him.

21. ¶ Therefore the Lord God caused an heauie sleepe to fall vpon the man, and he slept: and he tooke one of his ribbes, and closed vp the flesh in steade thereof.

22. And the ribbe which the Lorde God had taken from the man, 28 made he a 29 woman, and brought her to the man.

23. Then the man said, 30 This now is bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh. She shalbe called 31 woman, because she was taken out of man.

24. 32 Therefore shall man leaue 33 his father and his mother, and shall cleaue to his wife, and they shall be one flesh.

25. And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not 34 ashamed.


1. That is, the innumerable abundance of creatures in heauen and earth.

2. Exod.20.11. and 31.17. deut.5.14. hebr.4.4.

3. For he had now finished his creation, but his prouidence still watcheth ouer his creatures, and goueineth them.

4. Appointed it to be kept holy, that man might therein consider the excellencie of his workes and Gods goodnesse towards him.

5. Or, the originall and beginning.

6. Or, tree, as chap. 21.15.

7. God onely openeth the heauens and shutteth them, he sendeth drought and raine according to his good pleasure.

8. Or, formed.

9. He sheweth whereof mans body was created, to the intent that man shoulde not glorie in the excellencie of his owne nature.

10. 1.Cor.15.45.

11. This was the name of a place, as some thinke, in Mesopotamia, most pleasant and abundant in all things.

12. Which was a signe of the life receiued of God.

13. That is, of miserable experience, which came by disobeying God.

14. Ecclus.24.29.

15. Which Hauilah is a countrey ioyning to Persia Eastwarde, and enclineth toward the West.

16. Or, precious stone, or pearle. Plinie saith it is the name of a tree.

17. Or, Ethiopia.

18. Or, Tygris.

19. Or, Assyria.

20. Or, Euphrates.

21. God would not haue man idle though as yet there was no neede to labour.

22. So that man might know there was a soueraigne Lorde, to whom he owed obedience.

23. Ebr. Eating thou shalt eate of.

24. Or, whensoeuer.

25. By this death he meaneth the separation of man from God, who is our life and chiefe felicitie: and also that our disobedience is the cause thereof.

26. Ebr. before him.

27. By moouing them to come and submit themselues to Adam.

28. Ebr. built.

29. Signifying that mankind was perfite, when the woman was created, which before was like an vnperfite building.

30. 1.Cor.11.8.

31. Or, Mannes, because she commeth of man: for in Ebrewe Ish, is man, and Ishah the woman.

32. Matth.19.5. mar. 10.7. 1.cor.6.16. ephes.5.31.

33. So that marriage requireth a greater duetie of vs towarde our wiues, then otherwise we are bounde to shewe to our parents.

34. For before sinne entred, all thinges were honest and comely.

map: The Situation of the Garden of Eden

¶ Because mention is made in the tenth verse of this chapter, of the riuer that watered the garden, wee must note that Euphrates and Tygris, called in Hebrew, Perath and Hiddekel, were called but one riuer where they ioyned together, els they had foure heads: that is, two at their springs, and two where they fell into the Persian sea. In this countrey and most plentifull land Adam dwelt, and this was called Paradise, that is, a garden of pleasure, because of the fruitfulnes and abundance thereof. And whereas it is said that Pishon compasseth the land of Hauilah, it is ment of Tygris, which in some countries, as it passed by diuers places, was called by sundry names, as sometime Diglitto, in other places Pasitygris, and of some Phasin or Pishon. Likewise Euphrates toward the countrey of Cush or Ethiopia, or Arabia, was called Gibon. So that Tygris and Euphrates (which were but two riuers, and sometime when they ioyned together, were called after one name) were according to diuers places called by these foure names, so that they might seeme to haue bene foure diuers riuers.